PairTree is proud to announce our partnership with Equity Before Birth. Listen to Equity Before Birth Executive Director, Joy Spencer and PairTree Co-Founder, Erin Quick, discuss providing and supporting critical prenatal & postpartum services for all women is not only the right thing to do... but that it will also help decrease adoption disruptions.
About The 5% Fund
For too long, adoptions have been unintentionally lopsided. Birth Moms give the most, and get the least. Adoptive parents (us, included) spend so much time trying to “get picked,” they haven’t thought about the depth and range of emotions that would manifest as a result of being picked – specifically the blend of awe and heartache for birth moms.
Birth moms endure 40 weeks of physical, hormonal, emotional and psychological changes – entertaining comments from friends, family and society-at-large about her rounding belly, when she’s due, whether she knows what “it” is – only to give birth and place that child in someone else’s arms.
To expect 3-6 therapy sessions to even scrape the surface of that trauma is borderline negligent. We can’t put an expiration date on a birth mom’s grief.
And that's why PairTree donates 5% of net profit to organizations that provide lifetime support for birth moms. Both because it’s the right thing to do, and because we want to encourage more equitable and ethical practices in adoption across the board.
Our Support is Not Conditional on Placing a Child for Adoption
The 5% Fund also supports organizations that provide Expectant Women with support if they decide to parent. We are proud supporters of Equity Before Birth, a non-profit organization that is taking the unprecedented approach of supplementing income in the absence of paid parental leave and covering the cost of essential maternity services and support. It's our belief that providing unconditional support helps Expectant Women that do choose adoption feel more confident in their decision.